Essentialism, Minimalism, and Life.

OK, mostly this has to do with my reading and listening list lately. It all started with wanting to cull down my wardrobe, which was spurred by an email from Jessica containing a link to Into-Mind. I sent her a text the next day and I was giving away bags of clothes. I have zero regrets. I have less stuff, less stress when dressing, and I have continued to hone in on what I want. It has really curbed my inner want monster.

That changed my view of a lot of things. I realized I had been on this path for some time. I've picked up some old books on my shelf and reread a couple, listened to Essentialism (and bought the book), started reading Tidying Up. I feel like I've learned so much. It's been one aha moment after another and it really comes down to priorities and how you want to spend your time.

I have so much more perspective on how and why when I spend my time on my top priorities (myself, family, friends) I feel so much better. Things get easier. My business goals flow better. Taking care of myself and family feels like less of a chore. I can take a big sigh of relief.

This journey has brought me into an awareness practice that I hope I never exhaust.

I highly recommend the following if you have been struggling with being distracted, accumulating too much crap, saying yes to things only to dread doing them, finding yourself busy and still not accomplishing the things you want to do.
I have always prided myself on being a yes person. I want to say yes to life. I'm in the affirmative, but I have come to realize that saying yes to everything has lead to me having to say no to things that I would rather do. I am so much happier now that I'm slower to yes and quick to no.

Anyone else been down this path? Lessons learned?

image via: Jan Erik Waider


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