DIY Natural All Purpose Cleaner

I've made a few cleaners over the years, but this is now my favorite. I don't know that I will be purchasing cleanser again. I love this mix that much. I'm also enjoying changing up the scent with essential oils too.

All Purpose Cleaner
2 cups water ( I use filtered )
1 T baking soda
½ cup white vinegar
juice of one lemon
10-15 drops of essential oil - some blends I like are (5) lemon + (10) peppermint,
(5) lemon + (10) lavender, (5) lemon + (10) tea tree, (10) grapefruit + (5) thyme

Heat one cup of water and dissolve the baking soda in it. When the baking soda is completely dissolved add the other cup of water.

Add the remaining ingredients in order. Stir. Pour into spray bottle. Shake before use.

Make sure to add the ingredients the way the recipe is written or you will have a nice chemical reaction on your hands and it will make a mess. * see 3rd grade volcano experiment.

Don't use on stone counter tops.

Bacteria Busting Essential Oils - cinnamon, clove, lemon, eucalyptus, lavender, pine, tea tree, thyme grapefruit, lime.

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