20 Minutes to Clean.

I've been on the 20 minute plan ever since I quit my job this last summer. I had a housekeeper that came in every other week when I was working at the studio, but with one less salary I decided that I could do without it. I knew I needed a plan.

I had bookmarked this plan from Apartment Therapy and I thought I would give it a try. I programmed my iphone and computer to give me alerts for each new task. So everyday I'm told what my 20 minutes will be. There's still dishes, laundry and minor pick up (all Josh and Desi co-productions) that get done everyday along with the daily alerts.

I sometimes fall behind or need to do it all at once (house guests, etc.), but I think my house is more consistently clean than it ever was with a housekeeper. First of all when I knew it was all going to be clean at once I would procrastinate tasks so my house over two weeks would be come messier and messier. Don't get me wrong I was still cleaning, it just wasn't steady.

I would like to add some cleaning tools to my arsenal like that Dyson cordless vacuum. My house is small and when Josh and I were first married we bought a Rainbow vacuum, which is awesome, but cumbersome for quick rug and furniture clean up. I have one of these old fashioned sweepers, but it's not always enough.

I use mostly Mrs. Meyer's products and homemade concoctions, but I'm always a sucker for good packaging so some times I try something new. I usually return though.

Do you have a cleaning schedule or do you just wing it? Any tips?

images via: top - right, left  bottom - right, left

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